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IDA supports a host of languages. Current list of languages included with IDA you can find here.

If you cannot find some language in the list, you can create a translation for it by yourself. This can be done easily and can help your counterparts use the program more conveniently.

All language files are stored in the "Language" sub-directory of your Internet Download Accelerator installation. Language files are plain text files (<some_language>.lng) and contain numbered strings.

If you want to translate IDA to your native language, you have to do the following:

  1. Create a copy of the language file (English file recommended) and name it <your_language>.lng.
  2. Translate text strings contained in the file. We strongly recommend to use spell checker during translation. Some strings contain characters '%n' where n is a number (for example '%1'). Please do not change these characters. These are replaced with another strings during program execution.
  3. Run IDA, set the language for which you have just created translation by using the "View -> Language" menu. Check your translation carefully.
  4. Send the language file to the developers (info@westbyte.com) and please do not forget to specify your contact information in the file header.

Before release of a new version of IDA we will inform you about changes to the language file and ask you to update translation.

WestByte Software will grant you Internet Download Accelerator PRO license for the translation of the program and another one for translation of help system. We will place your name and contact information in program credits and on this page.

WestByte Software may use the translation file at its discretion (include/exclude in/from distribution, edit etc.)

If you found errors in some translation, please contact the owner of the translation.

Language Translated by Actuality
Albanian Petrit Koci 6.0
Arabic Awadh A Al-Ghaamdi 6.1
Belorusian Sergey Bychkow, Vasil Zabarouski 5.1 Translators are welcome.
Bosnian Milan Balaban 5.5 Translators are welcome.
Bulgarian Ivaylo Petrov 5.5 Translators are welcome.
Chinese (Simplified) Greenleaf, Wayne Fung 6.0
Chinese (Traditional) Greenleaf, Joanna Chen 6.0
Croatian Zvonimir Totar 3.2 Not maintained as for now. Translators are welcome.
Czech Josef Skoda 6.0
Danish Mogens Olesen 3.2 Not maintained as for now. Translators are welcome.
Dutch Michael Kon 4.3 Not maintained as for now. Translators are welcome.
English WestByte Software 7.1
French Berkane Remi 5.13
German Klaus Humpfner 6.0
Greek Lampsakos Lampsakou 4.3 Not maintained as for now. Translators are welcome.
Hebrew Micahel flower 5.5 Translators are welcome.
Hungarian Orosvbri Szabolcs 2.3 Not maintained as for now. Translators are welcome.
Indonesian Wawan Kuncoro, Zalzala Zilzal 6.0
Italian Fabrizio Degni, Luca Snoriguzzi 6.5
Japanese Cai Yong, Takamichi Matsumiya 5.5 Translators are welcome.
Korean Snooey 4.1 Not maintained as for now. Translators are welcome.
Lithuanian Viktoras Kriukovas and Andrius Marcinkevicius 6.0
Montenegrin Aleksandar Komlenac 5.5 Translators are welcome.
Persian Keyvan Barband 5.13
Polish Laki 73, plicket and Zbigniew Strzelczyk 6.8
Portuguese Jose M. E. Fernandes, Johnny Silva 5.1
Portuguese (Brazil) Felipefpl, Jose Ricardo Pereira Agra 6.5
Romanian Vancea Radu Gheorghe 5.12
Russian WestByte Software 7.1
Serbian Dimitrije Mitic 5.13
Slovak SlovakSoft 5.1 Translators are welcome.
Slovenian Jadran Rudec 5.0 Translators are welcome.
Spanish Pablo Alarcon R., Guillermo Morena 4.2 Not maintained as for now. Translators are welcome.
Swedish Magnus Larsson 5.7
Turkish Serdar Koksal 5.1 Translators are welcome.
Ukrainian WestByte Software 7.1
Uzbek Abdurahmonov Nurali 5.0 Translators are welcome.
Language Translated by Actuality


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